Friday, May 9, 2014

My Rough Theatre and Project Rankings

I just realized that there were two blog responses on the syllabus that I completely forgot about. So I figured I would answer them anyway even though our class is over now/grades are due pretty soon.

My understanding of "Rough Theatre" is that it is extremely raw theatre. Taking all the bumps in the road and using them to your advantage. For me, my rough theatre is just going out and filming things. Not spending too much time planning and instead letting everything just play out on the camera. It's running into problems and just rolling with it.

I think filming this way, although not as professional in some people eyes, produces a very organic product. The viewer experiences a since of trust with the filmmaker and this trust allows for a more genuine film experience. The trust a viewer has with the filmmaker also allows for a deeper connection to the film as a whole, and to the filmmaker.

As far as the projects go my favorite project was definitely the crowdsourcing project. How many times do you get to tell somebody that in college you were coloring for class? This was certainly a first for me. On top of that I really like how all the frames turned out. I had never really done anything that involved creative crowdsourcing and I think the experience with creative crowdsourcing from this class was amazing and incredibly fun.

Project rankings from favorite to least favorite:
1. Crowdsourcing
2. Cameraless
3. Rhythmic Editing
4. Bolex Long Take
5. Animation
6. Live Performance, dance thing